In Cartagena, art surrounds you on all sides, in all forms.
Whether it's Gorda Gertrudis (the fat Gertrude) by Fernando Botero, who presents her voluptuous body without complex just in front of the Santo Domingo church,
or the more "serious" monuments in memory of the great figures of the Fatherland such as
-Pedro Heredia, founder of Cartagena
- India Catalina who accompanied Pedro de Heredia in his expedition around Cartagena
-San Pedro Claver who was particularly involved with African slaves
-Blas de Lezo, governor of Cartagena, who owes his wooden leg to an unfortunate cannonball
-Simón Bolívar, liberator of Colombia
In front of the old port, one can meet the protectress of the city, Noli me tangere (Do not touch me), erected to warn potential invaders. By studying her firm gesture and her dominant gaze, I pity whoever dares to confront her.

There is also art related to writing and music, such as
-Miguel de Cervantes writing Don Quixote de la Mancha
The street musicians
Artwork devoted to everyday activities...
At street corners, quotes make me smile and even laugh...
-We have a Pope (or potatoes), fries and steamed
-We don't have WI-FI, we talk to each other
-When phones were attached to the wall, humans were free
Even the fruit stalls are artfully presented.

I wander tirelessly from one artwork to the next, so you'll easily understand why my feet have enough at the end of the day.
